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Danish Soap Finish Care and Maintenance!

A soap finish is a tried-and-true finish used in Scandinavian Countries for centuries that continues to build up over time and develops a beautiful patina and sheen.


When your wood appears dirty, dull or stained, wipe a small amount of finish on the piece and let it soak in, Before the soap dries, wipe off any excess with a cotton towel. You can also spot treat an area at any time. Depending on your use, you should give your piece a soaping once or twice a year.


We hope you enjoy your 100% natural, nontoxic finish as much as we do!

How to Care and Maintain Your New Cutting Board!

Yep, we did say "CUTTING" board! Although, these boards are a beautiful way to spice up your kitchen, they will get bored just hanging on a wall.


You don't need to be afraid of leaving cut marks; they will be a reminder of a wonderful meal shared with family or friends. Our boards are ready for immediate use so start cutting. After each use, just wipe the front and back with a damp cloth and stand it on its edge to dry. Do not immerse or put the cutting board in the dishwasher. Stubborn stains or smells can be removed by rubbing lemon juice or white vinegar with a cloth.


Always store the cutting board on its edge or lay flat only after it is completely dry.


Depending on the amount of use, the board will need to be re-sealed from time to time. Do this by applying a generous amount of mineral oil and leaving the board on its edge to dry. Wipe off any excess after a few hours.


Lastly... Have fun with it! And if anyone criticizes you for using it, feel free to shut their mouth with a delicious meal prepared with your very own board! 

Caring For Your Bench and Outdoor Products!

Linseed oil is 1 of the oldest wood finishing products dating back to ancient Egypt. The oil is derived from the seeds of the flax plant by pressing them to extract the oil. Your beautiful, hand-crafted bench or table has already been given 2 coats with a 100% bio-based raw pure linseed oil containing no VOCs.

As with any wood product enjoyed in your garden it will need to be maintained. We suggest storing your table and or bench inside for the winter months. This will give you a perfect opportunity to re-coat them with our natural linseed oil. All-natural raw linseed oil will dry much slower than the chemically treated oils available at the hardware store so prepare for 3-5 days drying time.

Make sure your piece is clean and dry then wipe oil on them wiping the excess off in 20 minutes. That's all there is to it, pretty simple and it's ready for another wonderful year in your garden. 


To safely dispose of linseed oil rags, spread them out flat to completely dry, preferably outdoors, before throwing them in the regular trash; never wad them up or store them in a closed container as they can spontaneously combust due to the heat generated during the drying process
For extra precaution, you can soak the rags in a bucket of water before laying them out to dry. 

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